
7 jobs of "The PC Guy" John Hodgman

You surely know John Hodgman, American humorist and one of the best Daily Show correspondents, in my opinion. But first, I encountered him in hilarious commercials from Apple Computers. I'm sure you know them: Hello, I'm a Mac... And I'm a PC. Here is one of the best collections of "Get a Mac" ads:

But John Hodgeman is a man of many occupations. I decided to review them. I enjoyed putting this together, so I hope you'll enjoy it as well. If you love John Hodgman, you will know most of them by now, but a comprehensive collection never hurts.

John Hodgman - Computer Expert (Net Neutrality)

John Hodgman - Historian (When to judge Bush)

John Hodgman - Astronom (Is Pluto a Planet?)
In Prague Atronoms decided that Pluto is not a planet. Why? Because it is roughly the size of a glass eye.

John Hodgeman - Meteorologist
How do experts predict the future weather? John Hodgman majored in hurricanes, his minor were Crisp Fall Days :-)

John Hodgman - Physician, Medical Expert
Talking about Human Growth Hormone.

John Hodgeman - Martial Arts Expert

John Hodgman - Motivational Speaker
This is my favorite: John explains is system 8 keys to success.

There are several more occupations, but that would be for another spot. Thanks for watching, if you liked this, keep an eye on Best videos of Daily Show blog :-)


Certainly not The Daily Show - Writers Strike SumUp

The Writers strike is over and here are three videos to summarize it. For me, it was kind of fun, watching Jon Stewart and his correspondents working without the staff, and I think they did very well. Mayby the writers came back because they just missed the fun:-)

This is how The Daily show came back as A Daily Show in the middle of strike January 7 2008.

Even Jon Oliver went to strike, as a writer, not as a correspondent, though :-)

What was the strike about? Money, of course.

This is what the writers did during the strike:

And here is the first Daily Show after the writers came back. I just love the introduction!


Early electronic voting systems in USA

"Can electronic vote be trusted?" asks the Wall Street Journal article back from November 2006. Despite my zeal for virtually anything electronic, I must say that I was quite concerned about this kind of questions. If the system is owned by a private company, you can't really tell what is happening with your vote, and you have no way to check it, given there is no palpable evidence of how you voted.

But as John Hodgman explains, that doesn't matter. You can just imagine that "things" happen inside the computer.
And while we're at it, have a look at this (well known and old, but hilarious nonetheless) video of how that might eventually work... Electronic voting: Kerry and Bush

What has Bush ever done for us?

President Bush had his final annual speech State of the Union. Surprisingly, he stated that the Union remains strong. "Despite everything Mr. president did, that is," adds Jon Stewart. And what did Bush do for us? Six years ago, he passed the No child left behind act. "And that was it!"

I loved the link to the Kyoto protocol, which the USA failed to sign, despite their declared effort to stop the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.


Hodgman talks about the terrorist brand

This might be pushing it too far. But, well, humour is important, and it shows in overemphasize how media sees Al-Qaeda.

I will bring more of John Hodgman soon. His observations and ability to talk seriously is marvelous.


Bhutto believed islam is being hijacked

Benazir Bhutto, Pakistan politicion and activist, was killed this Christmas (December 27 2007). On The Daily Show, Jon talks to Mark Siegel, who wrote a book about Democracy in Islam. The book was finished a week before the murder occured. This interview is quite serious, and I am glad it got this prime time.

This is Jon's interview with Musharraf, president of Pakistan, who refused to give her propper support and protection after the first attempt to assassinate her. She watched the interview and allegedly thought of it positively, as Siegel recounts.

To lighten it up, here is John Hodgeman with his perception of nuclear weaponry.


How to protect kids from guns?

After seeing Bowling for Columbine, I was well aware of the fact Americans are too gun-oriented. I know there are historical reasons, for it, and there is some peak point at wich having a gun might be a felt neccessity. But still - if someone points their gun at you, are you going to risk that after you pull your, you will be shot? Isn't it better to be the one who is not armed, thus not being able to do an irreversible mistake, and also not giving the other person to do such mistake? I sure might change my perspective when I have to protect my kids, but I don't feel it is healthy to have guns around.

And while we are at this, how exactly did this happen? I mean, sure, we Czechs are incompetent big time (although not very often, because we have hard time spelling that word), but not in such scale...


Czech President - 2008 election

There is another reason why I love watching The Daily Show. It makes me feel better about how the politics looks here in Czech Republic. I wish we had something similar to The Daily Show, some show that could stand the comparison to the briliancy of Jon Stewart and his team.
Right now there is presidential election here in Czech Republic. Unlike in USA, only the lawmakers can vote the president here, so the election is indirect. Upside to it is that the whole process is a lot shorter (not like in USA where it takes more than a year). The downside is that all the scandals and embaressment you experience during the whole year we have to watch condensated into two-day ellection. We already saw alleged bribe attempt, tedious wars wether the election should be public or private, two lawmakers drop ill... So far, that is.
I wondered if there were some clips about Czech Republic in the vast Daily Show video archive. Well, there was one.

And eventhough it is just a short movie and the clip doesn't say much about us, the message is clear: we are better than America :-) I wonder if Jon will mention the Czech Presidential election in his show... He could, couldn't he?


Al Gore in Daily Show (and in Futurama)

Have you seen the movie An Inconvenient Truth? Al Gore makes some serious and disturbing points here. I think he helps people understand how serious the situation might get if we won't act responsibly.
But I also like when he talks on the lighter side. In interview with Jon Stewart, Al Gore provides some solemn points.

Put he was brave and cocky enough to play in Futurama, morover, he used part of Futurama in his now-famous slideshow presentation.

And this is one of the trailers for The Inconvenient Truth. It is definitely a movie worth seeing.

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
- Upton Sinclair

Our salary doesn't depend on it. Our future might. Will we go with the responsible choice or with the lazy one?


Super Tuesday - Daily Show analysis

Jon reviews how the coverage of so called Super Tuesday promissed fascinating numbers and amazing results, as well as erudite commentaries such as: "I think it is interesting that these numbers show that people want to vote for people they like." Wow!

Well, they needed to kill six hours. The results: Obama and Hillary almost side by side with Hillary slightly ahead, amongst republicans McCain had best outcomes, followed by Huckabee, who did well in the South. "Do you see me as a number?" Jon asks the anchors. "Because I don't see you as numbers. I see you as human beings, each and every one of you, individually wasting my time!"

How to be Happier - Tal Ben Shahar interviewed

Do you buy books based on internet videos? I do now, since dollar is going down, I'm daily visitor of amazon.com and ebay.com. For example, I bought the book Happier after I saw this interview with Harvard professor Tal Ben Shahar. Jon Stewart studied psychology, so he doesn't fall for this kind of stuff easily.

The book is called Happier and the reviews are not bad. I am in the middle of it and I love some of the ideas, for example that you should write three or five nice things that happened to you each day. Honestly, I didn't think it would have such an impact, but it has. You tend to notice the fun and the blessings of the regular day and thus, you are happier. Try it.

Not Always Fun - The Daily Show After 9/11

The Daily Show is not always about fun. Once the archive of all the videos were out, one of the first episodes I looked up was the one right after the attacks in 2001. Here it is:

It is another reason why I like the show and why I admire Jon Stewart - he was able to continue the fun while taking it very seriously. You could see his heart was in it. I respect his wit and intelligence, and after seeing this clip after September 2001, I can respect him for his tact and sincerity. And perhaps this was another thing that helped me, a European, realize how terrible a day it was for Americans.


Oliver Wilmore Investigate the N-Word

Oliver and Wilmore investigative masterpieces are my favorite treasures in the archive. As in the Qatar clip, sometimes it is hard to tell whether it is fake or real. Either way it is quite funny.

By the way, I don't think you could persuade people, the less the society, to stop being racist by baning a word. On the other hand, this kind of proposals bring new attention to something general public might consider solved. If someone cares, it is probably worth caring, or at least listening to their opinions and take them into consideration.

Hilarious - John Oliver teases the ambassador of Quatar

I have to admit this is probably the clip that made me watch The Daily Show regularly. John Oliver, british comedian, member of The Daily Show (and writer as well, luckily not on strike) interviews the ambassador of Qatar (Quatar, Katar, I used to misspell the name before I had to google for this video quite often to show it to friends). It is so funny I could't believe it is not a fake.

It was not until I saw his other clips that I realized it is not fake. John Oliver just exploits the power he has as a journalist to make people uncomfortable. I wouldn't like to be interviewed by him, I guess. Here is the YouTube version.

The clip begins with: The American lack of knowledge about other countries... So, do you guys know where Czech Republic is? Just asking, no reason :-)

Net Neutrality explained by John Hodgman

I first saw John Hodgman in the Mac - PC commercials, and I loved him. It kind of made me feel better about my choice of PC in fact. So I was amazed to actually see him in my new-discovered and soon-favorite show - The Daily Show. Here he talks about the Net Neutrality act.

There is also a YouTube version of this clip. I like the part where he talks about all the crap going around the internet, for example Chuck Norris Jokes.

Jon Stewart The Fire Fighter

John Stewart comments on how different news stations handle the "Super Tuesday". I love the part with fire extinquisher. Well, I don't blame him, I hate how the news anchors invent new and new ways how to exaggerate.

And I sure hope he will do some other jokes with that again. Not soon, maybe in a month or so. Or they could bring the Even Stephen back. Those two guys were fantastic!